Property Valuation

Property Valuation can be undertaken for a number of purposes including obtaining a mortgage, sale & purchase recommendations, matrimonial or family trust settlements, a general current market value and more.

Jaken Agencies Ltd offers a wide range of Property valuation services, including property valuation in cases where there is a family matter in court and the property in question needs to be valued. We also offer valuation services in relation to the determination of capital gains as well as valuations when a customer would want to purchase property.

Among Kenya Property valuers, we are considered the pioneers of offering valuations for accounting purposes such as for audit use. We also undertake mortgage security related valuation for banks and other financial institutions that may need these services.

Prior to inspection the valuer investigates the locality, researches recent market and other relevant evidence. Following an inspection the valuer will analyse the sales and other evidence, provide the client with the appropriate relevant information, complete a report and determine an appropriate value. This is then made available for use by the client i.e. for his or her requirements such as bank purposes, sale & purchase recommendations etc

The valuation report includes a description of the property and improvements and their condition, comments on the locality, land, zoning and a market commentary in accordance with professional industry guidelines.